With the hectic Xmas season out of the way I can finally update my blog. On the 20th of December I battled the blizzards and hung around with Scarlet and Chloe from Tiger Lilly's on their Xmas stall at the Oracle, Reading. It was bitterly cold but after a few mulled wines I was then ready to have a stall at the Hot Muffins Burlesque night. It was a great success and the mini top hats proved to be a popular addition to my ever growing collection of bits and pieces. I now a have a selection available at Tiger Lilly's and I am currently creating some themed hats to add to my shop www.soobird.com so please keep checking back...
Berry Buttonhole now available at http://www.soobird.com/
Kenni & Lauren: aw wow we are working those hats, bring on the fame :)